"Luminous Wind"
Goddess art of Jonathon Earl Bowser

Thursday, October 20, 2011

~*Jersey Love: Halloween and Apple Dreams*~ fin.

I finally finished ~*Jersey Love: Halloween and Apple Dreams*~. I don't think I've ever felt so compelled, or written so furiously and intensely as I did with this story. I was like a madwoman on the keyboard.  I had a young, teenage Spirit girl influencing the story and putting her thoughts and emotions into it.

She's not earthbound, but she's in a transition period and can easily project her emotions outward.  For instance, every time I turn the radio on, the song "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry is playing.

I know she's doing that. "My Immortal" by: Evanescence

And "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls are getting repetitive too.

While this is one of the easiest ways for Spirits to get through to us, through the medium of music, I finally had to ask her to ease up a little when various YouTube videos about grief and loss kept popping up on my screen. She kept saying, "Just write."  I told her if she didn't stop distracting me, I wouldn't be able to finish the story and help her.

Last night she lightened up and today she's but a gentle whisper in my ear.  I was able to complete the story and at 32,000+ words, between this story, and ~*Jersey Summer Love*~, I have my first full novel-length piece.

Do you know? I don't think in the past couple of years with the exception of a few, I have been visited by/nor asked for help from a Spirit younger than 25? I've been distraught.

The little one ares hard. Their age makes it challenging to sometimes get them to understand, but once they are comfortable with you and the angels help out, they go pretty easily and find peace.

Youth on the other hand, are difficult to explain things to and to help cross. They put up more resistance, have more questions. Teens and college-aged kids seem so involved in their Earthly lives even when those lives have ended. They still operate in ego.  This is more in regards to sudden passings. They want to be hanging with their friends, playing their music, sports, being involved, enjoying their bedrooms, their pets, their cars and bikes, and they have a hard time letting go. This is not an all the time thing, it's just something I've noticed.

I couldn't help but notice that with this girl. She's vibrant, but still holding back. I just hope now that the story is complete it will be enough for her to move on. Or someone will read the story and recognize her and acknowledge her. I've done all I can do for her.

I'll share the link to the story once it clears the Submission process for the Halloween contest.